Business coaching to help transform your journal portfolio

Most business coaches work across multiple industries and are unable to provide useful strategic insight relevant to scholarly publishing.

The Journalology coaching programme is different.

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The Publisher’s Dilemma

Can you relate to these challenges?

The scholarly publishing industry is changing fast. Business models are proliferating. It’s hard to know which direction to take.

Which levers should you pull to improve your journals? Are you monitoring the right KPIs? If something goes wrong, will you identify it in time?

Scholarly publishing needs leaders. Do you aspire to be one of them? Are you communicating effectively within your organisation and externally?

I’m here to help

James Butcher: Journalologist and coach

Creating journals that have a tangible impact in their communities, and that are financially sustainable, is achievable with the right support and guidance from a knowledgable coach.

However, most business coaches work across many disciplines and have no experience of scholarly publishing.

The Journalology coaching programme is different. I’ve led the development of one of the most successful portfolios of journals and managed a large team.

I’d love to help show you the way.

Publishing for Impact

The Journalology coaching programme

Publishing for Impact is a unique coaching programme. I’ll personally guide you to create a more successful portfolio of journals. We’ll work together to clarify your strategic vision, map out a plan, and execute the strategy to create journals that are impactful editorially and commercially. We’ll also make sure that the day-to-day management of the journal(s) is set up appropriately.

Each client has different requirements, but common questions that are covered in coaching sessions include:

  • Publishing strategy. How well developed is your portfolio? Do you need to launch new journals? Is the transfer pathway between journals clear? Do you need to diversify revenue streams? Which open access business model is right for you?
  • Editorial strategy. Are you attracting the right submissions? Are authors recommending your journal(s) to their colleagues? Is the commissioning strategy working well? Is the editorial team incentivised appropriately? Are the editors proactively seeking out the best papers?
  • Business management. Are your costs well under control? Are you measuring the right KPIs? Is the balance between lead and lag indicators correct? If something goes wrong with the pipeline of manuscripts, are you confident that you’ll be able to spot the problem in time? Are you on target to meet or exceed budget?
  • People management. Are teams from across the portfolio working cohesively to provide the best possible author experience? Is the editorial team diverse enough? Does everyone understand the external publishing landscape? Do editorial, publishing, marketing and sales departments work as a respectful, well oiled machine? Do you have a clear internal communication plan in place? Are you able to attract the right talent?

How does it work?

Three simple steps to get the support you deserve

Book a discovery call

Click the button below to schedule a free 30 minute discovery call.

Gain clarity

Together we’ll define the challenges you’re facing and create an action plan.

Create impact

I’ll support you as you deliver impact to the community you serve.

Schedule a free discovery call

Please contact me
if you have any questions